The Western Australian government has eased restrictions again, and the current rules mean that we can have approx. 60 people in our building for services.
The reality of things is that this would be close to our normal Sunday morning crowd, and as such we are holding fully open services for the first time in a few months. (We will have an overflow plan in place if we have more than 60).
If you would like to visit Faith Baptist Church, you are welcome to.
For now, Morning service starts at 10:15am and evening service at 6pm.
We are not holding Sunday School (normally 9:30am Sunday) or Wednesday night prayer meeting just yet, but will be within the next few weeks. I will make another note about them as they return to normal.
We will also be continuing the livestream publicly for the near future, and the Wednesday devotions will continue even after we return to actual physical gatherings for prayer meeting.